All about Period 🩸

All about Period 🩸

What are the causes of period pain?

Doctors differentiate between two types of menstrual pain: primary and secondary menstrual pain.

Primary menstrual pain

The contraction of the uterus alone triggers the primary menstrual pain . Hormone-like messenger substances, the so-called prostaglandins, play an important role here. These affect the perception of pain and cause the uterine muscles to contract. These types of menstrual cramps are more common in younger women (under 30) and in women who already have heavy periods. Risk factors include a family history, an early first period, smoking, alcohol and stress².

Secondary period pains

If the symptoms only appear after the 25th birthday, then secondary menstrual pain is assumed. These can be caused by benign growths in the uterus . This can e.g. B. fibroids or polyps. If the pain is severe, the doctor may think of endometriosis . In about 40-60% of women, this is the cause of the pain that occurs². Problems are caused by the lining of the uterus, which is found in the abdomen outside of the uterus. The detached tissue cannot drain from the abdomen and therefore ultimately causes symptoms such as cramping abdominal pain. The good news: Endometriosis can be successfully treated.

Inflammation of the uterus or the so-called premenstrual syndrome (PMS, a menstrual condition that begins before the period) are also possible causes of secondary menstrual pain.

Sometimes secondary menstrual pain is also caused by mechanical irritation, e.g. B. triggered an IUD for contraception².

What symptoms can occur?

Symptoms range from a slight ache to painful abdominal cramps. These can be accompanied by

  • Lower back and leg pain
  • nausea
  • Vomit 
  • Diarrhea
  • headache
  • general malaise
  • exhaustion
  • severe irritability to the point of depression³

Is menstrual pain common?

Menstrual pain is very common: most girls and women experience some pain at times during their period, to varying degrees. In 10 out of 100 women, the symptoms are so severe that they are significantly restricted in their normal daily activities for a few days during each period¹.

Young women (under the age of 20) often experience more pain than older women. The symptoms often improve on their own a few years after the first period, sometimes they disappear completely. And the birth of the first child can also have a positive effect on menstrual problems¹.

Can there be complications?

Serious complications associated with period pain are rare. In the case of primary menstrual pain, the quality of life of the affected women is severely impaired.

However, the causes of severe secondary menstrual pain should always be clarified by a doctor, as these symptoms are caused by a serious illness, such as e.g. B. a uterine infection, can hide. Hormonal disorders can also be responsible for the symptoms and these should be treated to avoid complications⁴.

How can I prevent?

Which measures promise relief varies greatly from woman to woman. Most women have to find out for themselves what is good for their body and their psyche. Sometimes it is possible to find ways to adjust to the days with pain in such a way that they are less stressful. For example, you can try to take it easy during this time and try not to schedule stressful appointments during the menstrual period. Relaxation techniques, breathing exercises or yoga can also be found helpful.

An additional intake of iron and magnesium(consult a doctor) before and during menstruation can alleviate the symptoms. Regular exercise can also help , because a lot of exercise improves blood flow to the pelvis overall and this can have a positive effect on the symptoms or even prevent them from occurring².

What can help?

What helps with menstrual pain varies from woman to woman. The following remedies or measures can help with primary menstrual pain:

home remedies

Heat usually helps with pain because it relaxes the muscles. The good old hot -water bottle , placed on the lower abdomen, still proves its worth in relieving menstrual pain. Heat patches or heat belts serve the same purpose. A warm full bath is also often felt to be beneficial.

Sometimes exercise like yoga or gymnastics is also good, as it improves blood circulation in the entire pelvic area¹.


Effective painkillers are drugs from the group of active ingredients known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These drugs can relieve menstrual pain because they inhibit prostaglandin production.

The birth control pill can also alleviate menstrual cramps because it prevents ovulation and therefore fewer prostaglandins are produced. The "pill" also reduces the formation of endometrium. The menstrual period is then weaker and this can alleviate the associated symptoms. Only the doctor treating you can decide whether or not to take the birth control pill. The doctor or pharmacist will also inform you about risks and side effects. 

Conflicting results exist regarding the effectiveness of acupuncture , dietary supplements or herbal preparations . There are scientific studies on this, but the results do not always agree.

Sometimes the pain can be so severe that psychological pain therapy can be useful. In such a therapy z. B. Conversations are held and techniques for pain management (e.g. relaxation and mindfulness exercises) are learned³.

When should I see a doctor?

If the pain worsens over time, a doctor should be consulted for an examination. The doctor can then rule out a physical cause for the symptoms and options for pain relief can be discussed in a consultation.

A doctor should always be consulted for secondary menstrual pain. Since endometriosis or fibroids are often the cause of this pain, only the doctor can help and find a suitable treatment option.

Please note: The content of this article is intended to provide you with general information and background knowledge and does not claim to be complete. The suggestions and tips do not replace professional advice from a doctor or pharmacist. 

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